sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Narrative techniques


Effect (in term of driving forward the narrative of the film)
Example from a film
1. Exposition

Fills in the back of the characters and their situations
Shows interest in the characters and want to see what happens next
Amélie: the narration at the beginning of the film explaining the background of the main character and their parents
2. Dangling cause

Information or actions that leads to no effect of resolution until much later in the film
- You can retain your interest so you watch the film until the end

- Allows the story to be told in different levels
Jurassic Park: the DNA from the frog for the dinosaurs.
Shrek II: you don’t know what is given to the Prince and at the end you know it because of the help of the God mother
3. Obstacle

Stands in the way of the characters reaching their goal
- Makes it more interesting/dramatic
- With no obstacle nothing interest will happen / leave social norms
Psycho: The woman is being followed by the policemen
4. Deadline

A time limit placed on a protagonist to accomplish a goal
- Increases tension

- Makes film more goal orientated
Inception: the character has a certain time to reach the bomb
5. Dialogue hook 

Creates a link between two consecutive scenes
- Allows the scenes to have a continuity
- To have sense between scenes
The Patriot

Deborah Méndez ©

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