viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Production Journal - day 9 (11/08/11)

Today we selected the final shots we were going to choose for the film. We started looking at them and putting them in the correct order. We looked all the amount of shots of good quality we had done.

For some shots it was a little bit difficult as we didn't know which one to choose. We had to look them lots of times and we took a group decision. I think that now are group is very solid and we are able to decide equally.

We are also planning what music to but and were to put diagetic sound and non-diagetic sound. I think we are working productively. Personally, I am developing new skills as well as improving the ones I have developed throughout the year.

Production Journal - day 8 (09/08/11)

Today we saw all of our shots we had recorded. We decided which ones we should repeat as they were not good enough. Also we recorded the ones which were missing and we should complete them at time.

This filming session was productive as we completed different scenes which were not completely done and improving them, as well as doing some new ones.

As a group we have improved a lot in teamwork, as well as filming skills. We are now using the tripod with more facility. The lights we are using are also improving our filming quality because we are managing correctly. I am very glad with the results we are having a hope that it stills the same throughout the last part of the project.

Production Journal - day 7 (14/07/11)

During our filming session, we complete the different scenes missing from last filming session and continued with the next shots. We are almost about to finish them, but as we are organised, everything is going well as we are advancing according to the plan.

The film quality is really good so I am very glad about it. Also, we are improving our camera movement and camera angles; we are now focusing more in intense shots so that it gives a better effect with a higher feeling to the audience by providing more suspense in the final film,

Everything is improving a lot, mainly due to experience we are gaining through every time we are filming and putting a lot of effort in it, as well as attitude.

Production Journal - day 6 (07/07/11)

I am very glad and pleased that we used this time very useful, as well as enjoyed it a lot. In this image attached, it is a scene were I fall and bump my head in the tree so I fall and then look for the other actor which I am not able to find it.

We are filming really good and improving our skills in it, as well as working collaboratively with others. We are definitely undertaking new challenges and obtaining new objectives which we are doing them. I am very glad that our working planned is being followed and our work is much organised.

Today we filmed the scene of the portal in the field. One girl had to run escaping from the other one. The last one ran back her so she can get her and unfortunately fall against the tree.

Scene: girl falls against the tree
We filmed lots of times so that then we could choose which shot will be better we were going to be editing. We also advanced the shooting of the part were the four girls are playing football in a normal way and then they shoot the ball to the other girl.

Production Journal - day 5 (30/06/11)

During this session we prepared our plan filming session and have everything organised in order to have accurate deadlines and can apply them throughout the bimester.

We think that this session was useful but we could have already been filming. We completed all of the script and completed the final details in order to start this Thursday during class and activity class so that it can be really productive time and we don't loose any time.

I personally think that I am using this time really productive. I am learning and developing new skills as I am making storyboards and scripts which I haven't done before. Throughout the time I think that I will be very quick in these skills. I am very pleased with this session as everything is now ready to start filming our Chase project.

Production Journal - day 4 (23/06/11)

This session was great and really productive because we improved the errors that we had in our pitches. When we did all the corrections, we showed them to our teachers and they liked our improvements.

We improved our story boards and edit them in order to have more defined portals. Also, we did a list of equipment we needed.

List of equipment:
  • Steady cameras,
  • Dolly,
  • Tripod

We also did a list of props and costumes start organising our ideas. I feel we did them really good.

I think that I am developing new skills and improving them every time with the time provided and the experience I am fortunately gaining. This session was essential for us to have a plan of the dates exactly that we are filming as well as to have a specific idea of props and costumes. Overall we are advancing well and in order, which is essential in order to maintain our teamwork as excellent as we are doing.

Production Journal - day 3 (09/06/11)

During this session we decided what to include exactly in the project that had been presented to us. We started thinking and taking photographs of the locations in school that we could use then as chases.

After having the final decisions and discussing for a while, we start making the story board to have them ready for the next week when we present our project. We have a rough plan of the plot of the story so it is easier for everyone.

Plot / idea: Our idea is to plan a chase were one girl is following another because she thinks that she has kicked the ball to her, but really it was another girl. The girl who has been kicked will be looking for the girl she supposes that kicked her, and she will be escaping from her. Different locations such as the drama studio, library, staff room, and field will be used to appear as portals. Then we are planning to find the revenge of those girls and the girl which really kicked her ball will have to go inside the pool.

I think we are advancing with our project in a very productive way. We are working in very organized well and developing new skills throughout every week. I am learning how to make a good story board and I am very proud of it. I hope that we continue working like this through all the process of the film chasing project.